SAI comes with a full set of transformation tools that can work on selections, including move, resize, rotate, and a free (perspective) transform. There is also a selection brush tool, which can be customized like the drawing brush. Selection tools include the simple square selection, the lasso, and magic wand, which can be configured for anti-aliasing. There is also a set of vector drawing tools intended for inking, which, like the raster tools, can be configured to be pen pressure-sensitive. Various raster drawing tools are implemented, such as the Airbrush, Watercolor, Pen, and Marker, which can all be easily customized, and stored in slots in the user interface of the application. Colors can be stored in the swatches panel. An application-wide scratchpad (which can be used as a color mixing panel) is provided, which is saved between sessions. It is also possible to open multiple viewports to the same document. The toolbar on the top part of the screen also includes a button to mirror the drawing view without mirroring the actual drawing. The drawing canvas can be both zoomed and rotated using the sliders on the navigator or the hotkeys configured on the keyboard. The user interface allows multiple documents to be opened at the same time. SAI is a lightweight painting application. It has been available on Microsoft Windows from 98 to 10. SAI's official release (1.0.0) was on February 25, 2008, and an update preview was released shortly after. SAI or Easy Paint Tool SAI (ペイントツールSAI) is a lightweight raster graphics editor and painting software for Microsoft Windows developed and published by Systemax Software.Development of the software began on August 2, 2004, and the first alpha version was released on October 13, 2006.